Hello, everyone! Ova View here!
Let me start by saying HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I’m all dressed up and ready to go! Woot!
Welcome to the Joint Release of “Peter Blade” by Y. Correa and “R.I.P.(E).” by Queen of Spades.
It’s been a while since we’ve brought you a book release that we’ve been this excited about. So, without further ado, we’ll get right into it.
I have got to say that I am super stoked to bring your this one on one interview with the duo now known as “Hybrid Seductions”. That is to say, Queen of Spades, the Antiquated Hybrid and Y. Correa, the Literary Seductress. A round of applause is definitely in order!
It’s been a while since I’ve been out and on the hunt for a good read and some interaction with my fellow bookish folk, so I can’t tell you how excited I am to have come across this lovely Dual Release. Let’s hop right into it, shall we?
First, let’s talk a little bit about what prompted to writing of each book.
Y. Correa, what was it that incited the writing of “Peter Blade”?
Wow, great question!
“Peter Blade” came from both a song and a story that my dad told me when I was a kid.
When I was a kid there was a release of a salsa song called “Pedro Navajas” which translated to Peter Blade. The song talked about a true story of a serial killer that hunted prostitutes and eventually was killed by one. What the song does not talk about was the reasons or the intricate details of the events. So, one day out of curiosity I asked my dad about it. He went on to tell me the long story about a serial killer in Puerto Rico that was hell bent on ridding the world of prostitutes because he found them dirty.
One day, already an adult, while cleaning my kitchen I heard the song for the gazillionth time and immediately my mind started swirling with ideas of who Peter Blade was, why he killed, what the essence of his character was. And, before I knew it, I was in the midst of writing a story based on SOME “true events” but mostly a work of fiction.
At one point I’d asked a fellow author to help me with the story—make it a collaborative work, if you will. However, in time I came to realize that that would not pan out so I opted to go forward with the story by myself. What I did not know what that Peter was actually the force behind the wheel. It really was the character that narrated to the story. Every labyrinthine detail was dictated to me by the main character. In the end the story turned out to be a look into the psychopathy of a killer. Terror of the mind.
Amazing! Thank you, Y. Queen, could you please tell us a little bit about “R.I.P.(E).”? Perhaps, what the meaning of the acronym as well …?
Where to begin … where to begin? I have been on a bit of a hiatus. I haven’t done an individual project since Life-O-Suction and the last appearance I made in a collection was Concordant Vibrancy 3. Truth be told, I wasn’t even 100% betting on putting out anything this year.
I have gone through quite a few things since my last publication. Life was keeping me busy. Then I encountered someone whose presence made quite an impact and challenged some of my cautionary approaches towards certain topics. Just as I was reaching my level of comfort, a tragedy happened, putting me back at … square one.
One night, I had a dream, filled with visions I couldn’t shake. It also included phrases and numbers that lingered. Most of the phrases represent titles of the poems. The primary things in the visions developed the cover concept. The numbers link to a bit of perception and symbolism: mostly behind the number 13. These were indeed “Random Inspirations on Paper (R.I.P.)”.
The “E” was added as an afterthought but necessary. It represented my evolution after everything with this person had taken place. However, because of the work’s presentation as a modern day Adam and Eve, I morphed the “E” into (E)ve-olution.
Hence … R.I.P.(E).
Fantastic, Queen! You never cease to amaze me with the way your mind works!
But, here is the primary question … Why a double release? What was it that made you both decide to come together and not only bring these books to the public in conjunction, but also dub it a “Hybrid Seductions” collaborative? I am super intrigued. Y., would you like to go first?
Well, you see … the thing is that Queen and I are very alike in a lot of ways. While I am known as the “Literary Seductress” I feel like that title can easily fit her as well. And, although she sees herself as the “Antiquated Hybrid”, I feel like I can also fit into that category. We both have a very similar approach to writing:
It must be worth reading, it must be a work of art and it must be captivating.
So, after lots of conversation we came up with a label that encompassed us both; “Hybrid Seductions”.
Now, I will let Queen elaborate on the dual release part. Queen, after you.
It goes a bit deeper than “Hybrid Seductions”. Y was going to release hers on October 31st anyway. Yet, when I was thinking of my release date, it was tied in to the skull and the “Day of the Dead” symbolism, which led to 10/31 as well. The idea was as random as R.I.P.(E). Y was the first to suggest doing it jointly but for me, there had to be a tie-in for us to do it together. Peter Blade rang to me as “terror of the mind” while my work depicted “terror of the heart” which is what the elements of heartbreak essentially are. Once all was connected, it made sense for both to be released together.
Y. here again. Also, when we looked further into the works one thing in Peter Blade stood out like a sore thumb … At the end of the day, Peter was “Peter Blade” because he first experienced “terror of the heart”. Then, boom! Just like that it all made sense to me. In my mind, heartbreak has repercussions that changes a person—some for the better and some for the worse. Peter was the prime example of how it changes you for the worse. Okay … I am done. Queen, the floor is yours. 😁
Well, after the meshing of “terror”, we thought it fitting to come out with advertising as well as a book trailer that featured both of our books. Who knows? Perhaps it will lead to one book with both of our writing styles in the future.
Sounds like a dream come true to me! Of course, that’s just my humble opinion. You ladies never fail to leave me transfixed with how your minds work. Both independently and collectively. Here is a great question, and it’ll be my last before we go into the logistics of the books … If you would describe your books with one word, what would that be? Queen, you first.
Eve-olution. 😄
HA! Great one! 😃 Okay, Y., now you …
Well people, remember you heard it here first! From Ova to you … Hybrid Seductions. Now it is time for some actual release information. Ladies and gents, I present you with book covers, blurbs, links and trailers. Enjoy!
Autumn 1970, Manhattan, New York
“♫ Life gives you surprises but Surprises give you life, oh Lord ... ♪”
The notorious Peter Blade is on the hunt … just like many nights before. Adhering to his father’s words, “You've got to get deep into the gut, that's how you'll be able to bleed the animal. It's the only way to get him clean ...” Peter ensures that every hooker he kills is bled to pristine flawlessness.
Dancing with the phantasms of a murky past and the reality of an ominous present, Peter Blade trades places with his victims for the foreboding remembrances which cometh after dark. This night is entrenched in the unexpected and Peter finds himself contending with life and death.
From dusk to dawn, Peter Blade is inescapably haunted but to what end? Which could be worse, living the terror or dying by its hands?
Available: Amazon
"The 'Eve'olution of a woman is not filters and Photoshop: it is the foundation of expectation's death, the mascara of cylindrical pain, the lining of various disappointment, and the lipstick of constant learning."
In Random Inspirations on Paper: (E)ve-olution, R.I.P.E. for short, Queen of Spades returns—sharing her rendition of the most powerful ethylene to foster personal ripening: the pursuit of love and happiness.