So I'm trying to figure out what it is about people and them not wanting to read about sex in historical romance.

Trust me, this IS going somewhere.
During my brief writing career I've encountered some readers that have had problems with my novel "MarcoAntonio & Amaryllis" having sexual content.
Now, this boggles my mind two-fold. Here is why:
- The description CLEARLY says that it's an ADULT HISTORICAL ROMANCE NOVEL.
- These are the very same people that are perfectly fine with books that have explicitly violent content, as well as OTHER things, like racism, domestic violence, and similar subject matter.

No, no, seriously though. I'm constantly like ...

You mean to tell me that domestic violence is okay, racism ... A-OK! Child abuse, just fine!
But sex isn't?!

Makes me want to be like "Buddy, what planet are YOU living on?!"
Particularly, when said sexual acts are mutually agreed upon, for love and nothing else. It's not like it was a booty call or anything. Much less a rape scene.
Here's the thing, some people treat Historical Romance as thought it ought to be the "vanilla" type of romance that is all bubble gum and lollipops.
Well, that's just ridiculous. Here's why:
If people back in Medieval Times did not have sex, HOW THE HELL IS HUMANITY STILL ALIVE TODAY?!
I mean, it's simple math really.
Woman + Man + Mating =
Humanities Ongoing Existence
Now, to further boggle the mind and leave one fully and completely flabbergasted, some of these "no sex during history" fanatics, will go goo-goo ga-ga over an Contemporary Erotica of the modern age.
Still thinking ...
Yeah, #NOPE!

Well, the outcome for me was that these same individuals left reviews on my work, citing that it had too much sex. Now, let me be clear ...
So, I guess I'm trying to figure out:
(1) What's the apprehension against Historical Romance having sexual content?
(2) How much sex in an adult historical romance is too much, even when that sex IS IMPORTANT and not just thrown in for no particular reason?
(3) How can a reader be alright with violence (gore, even) but be offended by sex?
(4) Isn't "adult historical romance" by definition a story that will be depicted in an adult manner? This is to say, might have sexual content in it.
(5) Why are we trying to keep Medieval Times looking as though it was the purest age of human history when in fact it was quite the opposite.
Moreover, I'm wondering if this has happened to any of you to any degree.
Y. :) <3
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