Hello All!

Let's play a round of "Questions and Answers, Y Style" ...
I was asked a few questions, so I am obliged to reply to them in kind. Here they are:
"(1) How did you merge your love for science and history with your love for writing? (2) What body of work are you particularly proud of, although it has received little to no recognition by the literary world thus far? And, why do you think that is?"
(In this case, "Those are some excellent questions.")
Let's address Part One first.
How did you merge your love for science and history with your love for writing?
For me, it was a natural process. This might have something to do with me being somewhat of an intellectual. In my mind, Science & History go hand in hand. The reason why is simple; Science was discovered slowly through time. It is History that brought us Science as we know it today. Had it not be for Hans Christian Ørsted and André-Marie Ampère in 1819-1820 whom discovered electromagnetism (the unity of electric and magnetic phenomena) we wouldn't know about electricity. Or, Nikola Tesla (having lived from July 10th, 1856 – January 7th, 1943) who was the inventor of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. He was also well known physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current.
The list goes on and on:
- Albert Einstein, March 1879 – April 1955
- Galileo Galilei, c1600
- Max Born, 1882 – 1970
And, so many more.
It is from History that Science stems, for as the years progress so does human understanding. My fascination with all things scientific and historical, as well as unexplained phenomena and otherworldly/supernatural mysteries seemed to be a natural "go to" as it pertained to my writing.
It seems to me that I have a transcendental mind. Mentally, I don't live on this planet, but transverse the universe trying to discover all this inexplicable. Moreover, I realize that there is a history there, and it is in that history that I indulge, referring to it and looking towards it for enlightenment.
When I put pen to paper my psyche seems to try to explain these foreign events in the form of stories by utilizing what I know from History and Science.
What body of work are you particularly proud of, although it has received little to no recognition by the literary world thus far? And, why do you think that is?
I would have to say that "A.L.O.M Episodes 1 & 2".
I am very proud of these works (and the ideas for the ongoing collection). I've even considered making them into a comic book or graphic novel. I'd just have to find an artist that would help me with that venture. I may be good at graphic design, but I'm not artist. I need someone that can draw. That's not me.
However, to address the reason why I'm particularly pound of these works ...
The idea for "A.L.O.M." came to me one day as I was watching one of my favorite Speculative Science shows "Ancient Aliens". Immediately the 'what if's' came bombarding my mind as I watched "The Star Child" episode. I thought, "What if these ancient aliens weren't aliens at all? What if they were actually us? What if we, sometime in the future, visited ourselves"
Knowing that science, to date, isn't even remotely close to time travel, I surmised that possible in a hundred years or so we might be. Then, maybe in that time, we could somehow visit our distant ancestors.
When you compare possible future technology to what was available to our distant ancestors (which was none) it might stand to reason that they would consider us otherworldly and god like.
With that, came the premise for the "A.L.O.M Collection".
An inventor/physicist from the distant future somehow winds up in the distant past, consequently being bestowed the name of the Mayan Sky God, "Alom" when it was he who far in the future named his machine A.L.O.M. after the ancient Sky God.
A loop in time. Fascinating!
I truly do not know why it hasn't been really looked at by outsiders. Possibly it's an exposure thing. Whatever the case, I do love that story and look forward to finishing the series at some point.
Thanks for taking a look at "Q & A, Y Style"!
Take care. Until next time!
Y :D
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