Would you like to be a part of the

AAM is looking for a Book Blogger/Reviewers and a Youth/Young Adult Columnist.
Here is what we are looking for:
Book Reviewer/Blogger
- A multi-genre reader and reviewer/blogger.
- Someone who is willing to provide reviews no matter what the outcome--positive or negative.
- Someone who can provide professional and informative reviews.
- Someone who reads indie and traditional alike.
What are the requirements?
- A link where we can view your reviewing style.
- The ability to provide 4 book reviews every 2 months, by the deadline and within the mandatory word count.
- The willingness to be a team player.
- The willingness to cross promote.
Youth/YA Columnist
- A journalist/columnist/author that is proficient in Youth/Young Literature--both fiction and non-fiction.
- Someone who is able to make the column both fun and informative, as well as interactive.
- Someone with a professional writing style, and proficient grammar and punctuation.
What are the requirements?
- The ability to provide one column entry every 2 months, by the deadline and within the mandatory word count.
- The willingness to be a team player.
- The willingness to cross promote.

So, do you think you have what it takes to advocate all authors and reach all readers? Then we invite you to email us at admin@allauthorspp.net.
For the Y/YA Columnist Position, write Y/YA Columnist in the subject line. And for the Book Reviewer position, write Book Reviewer in the subject line.
All right, to sum it up, here is the deal.
The qualifications we are looking for:
- Production of creative, informative, well-written content
- Self-sufficient
- Adherence to word count guidelines and article deadlines
- Willingness to promote the magazine via individual social networks
- Willingness to cross promote other staff members
- Participation in AAM on Facebook
The perks you will get:
- Advertisement of your work (blog, etc) at no cost
- Your own personal e-mail
- Access to All Authors Magazine on FB (Columnist Corner promo days)
- First dibs on All Authors Blog spots
- Author page on the All Authors Publications & Promotions website
- The opportunity to be part of possible publishing initiatives sponsored by All Authors which may arise in the future
- The chance to belong to a contemporary magazine full of information, creativity and fun
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